home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- object MainForm: TMainForm
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- item
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- Width = 180
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- Width = 300
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- Text = '*Unregistered Version*'
- Width = 100
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- Caption = 'Help'
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- OnExecute = HelpContextActionExecute
- end
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- Caption = 'Exit'
- OnExecute = ExitActionExecute
- end
- object PurchaseAction: TAction
- Caption = 'Purchase'
- OnExecute = PurchaseActionExecute
- end
- object EnterCodeAction: TAction
- Caption = 'Enter code...'
- OnExecute = EnterCodeActionExecute
- end
- object RecommendAction: TAction
- Caption = 'Recommend to friends'
- OnExecute = RecommendActionExecute
- end
- object AboutAction: TAction
- Caption = 'About'
- OnExecute = AboutActionExecute
- end
- object VisitHomeAction: TAction
- Caption = 'Home'
- OnExecute = VisitHomeActionExecute
- end
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- object HelpContext1: TMenuItem
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- object Visitoursite1: TMenuItem
- AutoHotkeys = maAutomatic
- Caption = 'Visit our site'
- end
- object MagicUninstall1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Magic Uninstall'
- end
- object N2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object Suggesttoyourfriend1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Suggest to friend'
- Default = True
- end
- object PurchaseItem: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Purchase...'
- end
- object RegisterItem: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Enter Code'
- end
- object N1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object About1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'About'
- end
- end
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