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/ Chip 2003 April / 04_03.iso / software / uninstaller / uruninst3.exe / {app} / uruninstaller.exe / 0 / RCDATA / TMAINFORM / TMAINFORM.txt
Text File  |  2003-01-27  |  3.5 KB  |  155 lines

  1. object MainForm: TMainForm
  2.   Left = 129
  3.   Top = 18
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  6.   Caption = 'Your Uninstaller!'
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  33.         Text = 'Your Uninstaller! 2003 Version 3'
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  36.       item
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  61.     object TabSheet1: TTabSheet
  62.       Caption = 'Smart Uninstaller'
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  64.     object TabSheet2: TTabSheet
  65.       Caption = 'Startup Organizer'
  66.       ImageIndex = 1
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  68.   end
  69.   object ActionList1: TActionList
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  72.     object HelpContextAction: TAction
  73.       Caption = 'Help'
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  75.       OnExecute = HelpContextActionExecute
  76.     end
  77.     object ExitAction: TAction
  78.       Caption = 'Exit'
  79.       OnExecute = ExitActionExecute
  80.     end
  81.     object PurchaseAction: TAction
  82.       Caption = 'Purchase'
  83.       OnExecute = PurchaseActionExecute
  84.     end
  85.     object EnterCodeAction: TAction
  86.       Caption = 'Enter code...'
  87.       OnExecute = EnterCodeActionExecute
  88.     end
  89.     object RecommendAction: TAction
  90.       Caption = 'Recommend to friends'
  91.       OnExecute = RecommendActionExecute
  92.     end
  93.     object AboutAction: TAction
  94.       Caption = 'About'
  95.       OnExecute = AboutActionExecute
  96.     end
  97.     object VisitHomeAction: TAction
  98.       Caption = 'Home'
  99.       OnExecute = VisitHomeActionExecute
  100.     end
  101.   end
  102.   object HttpCli1: THttpCli
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  115.   object Timer1: TTimer
  116.     Interval = 5000
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  121.   object HelpMenu: TPopupMenu
  122.     AutoHotkeys = maManual
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  125.     object HelpContext1: TMenuItem
  126.     end
  127.     object Visitoursite1: TMenuItem
  128.       AutoHotkeys = maAutomatic
  129.       Caption = 'Visit our site'
  130.     end
  131.     object MagicUninstall1: TMenuItem
  132.       Caption = 'Magic Uninstall'
  133.     end
  134.     object N2: TMenuItem
  135.       Caption = '-'
  136.     end
  137.     object Suggesttoyourfriend1: TMenuItem
  138.       Caption = 'Suggest to friend'
  139.       Default = True
  140.     end
  141.     object PurchaseItem: TMenuItem
  142.       Caption = 'Purchase...'
  143.     end
  144.     object RegisterItem: TMenuItem
  145.       Caption = 'Enter Code'
  146.     end
  147.     object N1: TMenuItem
  148.       Caption = '-'
  149.     end
  150.     object About1: TMenuItem
  151.       Caption = 'About'
  152.     end
  153.   end
  154. end